About Our New Book – Toxic to Terrific

  • Feeling exhausted?
  • Experiencing brain fog?
  • Wondering why you can’t lose weight?

Your body could be overwhelmed with pollution.
Toxic to Terrific can help!

Feel better now and prevent life-shortening diseases — Toxic to Terrific is the authoritative guide with easy steps to safely get rid of your man-made chemical toxin burden before it causes permanent damage.

Book Coming Soon!

Do you want to know how to protect yourself and your family from life-shortening diseases?

Toxic to Terrific tells you what actually works to remove toxins and give you the science-backed, quick and easy steps to feeling better and safeguarding your family’s future.

All of us living today are exposed to countless toxic chemicals… so many more than we even know about! And their combined impact is a mystery.

Can you help your body get rid of toxins BEFORE they cause permanent damage? Yes!

Praise for the Book:

Toxic to Terrific is terrific! Kennedy and Pelletier provide readers a practical guide for healthy living in a chemical-laden world. The writing is accessible and illustrated with patient case histories from Dr. Kennedy’s practice. With its well-referenced, evidence-based, and unbiased recommendations, Toxic to Terrific is equally valuable to practitioners and patients.”
Dr. Paul Mittman, ND, EdD, President & CEO, Sonoran University of Health Sciences (formerly Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine) and published author.
Toxic to Terrific is a user’s manual for our modern toxic world. For those with ailments that have not responded to conventional medicines, Toxic to Terrific provides accurate information on the risks of exposure and practical tools for eliminating toxins from the body and improving health. For clinicians and those with experience in this field, this work will add referenced tools, prescriptions, and a Naturopathic perspective on these effective methods.”
Michael J. Cronin, ND, Founder and Past President of Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, Trustee & past President of American Assoc. of Naturopathic Physicians, 30+ years of family practice with an environmental medicine focus. NaturopathicGroup.com
“This book does a marvelous job of outlining evidence-based, best practices for detoxification, reflecting advances in genomics and metabolomics, and supporting the body’s own miraculous powers of self-regeneration.”
Peter D’Adamo, N.D., Former Distinguished Professor of Clinical Medicine, The University of Bridgeport, Department of Health Sciences, Author: Eat Right For Your Type. D’Adamo.com
Nasha Winters ND
"Toxic to Terrific is such a valuable, well-resourced book that will be a manual for all of our patients (and practitioners). Very easy and fun to read! (Love all the appendices.) Thank you guys for this important work!"
Dr. Nasha Winters, ND, FABNO Founder and CEO, DrNasha.com, Durango, Colorado. Author: The Metabolic Approach to Cancer. Dr. Nasha Winters is a global healthcare authority and best-selling author in integrative cancer care and research, consulting with physicians around the world.

Toxic to Terrific tells you what actually works to safely remove toxins and give you the science-backed, quick and easy steps to feeling better and safeguarding your family’s future.

In the comprehensive guide, you will learn:

  • What toxins are in your body
  • The 13 most common signs and symptoms of toxin overload
  • When and How to Test for Toxins
  • What is scientifically proven to work and what doesn’t
  • Who should detox and who should not
  • 5 things you can do every day to help your body detox
  • When is the best time to detox
  • What dangers are lurking in your home and how to get rid of them

Are you ready to take your health to the next level?
If good health is one of your top priorities, then this book is for you!
Don’t miss the chance to reclaim your vitality today and safeguard your family’s health future!

Toxic to Terrific:
The step-by-step detox guide to safely remove dangerous toxins from your body and life!

More Praise for Toxic to Terrific:

Paul Anderson, ND
"The world is only becoming more toxic, and the explosion of chronic illness is in part due to the toxic burden all humans share. Toxic to Terrific is a book for our time. It gives excellent scientific background to human toxicology and toxicity, ways to assess this issue, and therapies one can implement to help."
Paul S. Anderson, NMD Author of Cancer - The Journey from Diagnosis to Empowerment and co-author with Dr. Mark Stengler of Outside the Box Cancer therapies ConsultDrAnderson.com
Dr. Anne Marie Fine
"Toxic to Terrific is a tour de force of all the commonly found toxins in our homes and environment, which make their way into our bodies. This body burden of toxins that we all carry can no longer be ignored if we are to overcome the chronic diseases of our day in order to thrive, not just survive! Practical, thorough, and well-referenced, this book will inform and guide you."
Anne Marie Fine, NMD, FAAEM, Medical Director, Environmental Medicine Education International, LLC, a clinical training certification program in environmental medicine - EMEIglobal.com
Katherine Carvlin ND MS
“This comprehensive book on detoxification is a must-have resource for both clinicians and the public! In contemporary times it is critical to alert ourselves to environmental toxicants we are exposed to every day. This book empowers us with the tools we need to identify sources of exposure and change our lifestyle to limit our exposures. It provides the practical tools and resources to safely detoxify our bodies and support our long-term health. Equipped with the tools and techniques to thrive, this book does help you transform from Toxic to Terrific!”
Katherine Carvlin, ND, MS, Executive Director, National Association of Environmental Medicine - envmedicine.com and DrKatherineCarvlin.com
Jose Mafoud ND
"This is a phenomenal and extensive work, masterfully compiled. This book is so comprehensive that it can serve as the clinical basis for a medical practice model. I must confess that I couldn't help but be influenced by it (and I allowed it!); my practice will definitely be different after this book!"
Dr. José M. Mahfoud, MD, ND, MSc is the former Chief Medical Officer and Associate Dean of Clinical Education at the University of Bridgeport School of Naturopathic Medicine. He practices naturopathic medicine and acupuncture in Brookfield, Connecticut at the Integrative Natural Medicine Center. INM.center
"Receiving a pre-release copy of this book, Toxic to Terrific, has become invaluable for my practice and my community. My office is 10 miles from the East Palestine, Ohio train derailment where toxic chemicals have been released into our air and water supply. Toxic to Terrific has provided a very sensible and straightforward process to help our community detoxify and will likely save many lives."
Dr. Ted Suzelis, ND, Ohio Naturopathic, LLC, Boardman, OH OhioND.com
Stacey Raffety ND
“After completing post-graduate studies in Environmental Medicine, I practiced and ran a detox clinic for 20 years. Toxic to Terrific is the book I wish I could have suggested to all of my patients. There is a wealth of valuable information, with detailed steps to assist all who are interested in staying healthy. Toxic to Terrific is well researched, provides sound scientific evidence, yet is also understandable to the non-science person interested in this increasingly important topic.”
Dr. Stacey Raffety BSN, LAc, ND earned her bachelor of science in nursing, followed by a doctorate from National University of Natural Medicine and an acupuncture license from the Oregon College of Oriental Medicine after which she ran a detox clinic for 20 years at the Tigard Holistic Health Clinic in Oregon.
Jonathan Goodman ND
Toxic to Terrific reflects the passion for health of its authors. It is an exhaustive guide to understanding the history, danger, and detection of toxins and an invaluable tool of empowerment for people who seek to live with a lower toxic burden. I have learned much in reading this book, and I recommend it without reservations to all who seek to better understand how their bodies work and how to feel better. I know this book will profoundly help many people.”
Dr. Jonathan Goodman ND is an author and former adjunct professor at the University of Bridgeport’s College of Naturopathic Medicine. He was appointed by Governor M. Jodi Rell to serve on the Connecticut State Board of Naturopathic Examiners and serves as vice president of the CT Naturopathic Physicians Association. DrGoodmannd.com
Terry Walters
Toxic to Terrific is a comprehensive guide to the many toxins in our environment and how to safely and effectively detoxify. It is a riveting read, and an equally as useful guide that is organized to allow readers to quickly find the most applicable information and start on the path to good health. I will use and refer to it regularly. This is one book that can help so many!”
Terry Walters, Author of Clean Food: A Seasonal Guide to Eating Close to the Source. TerryWalters.net
Rob Streisfeld NMD
“It is truly amazing to learn how our bodies are designed to process and eliminate large amounts of toxins daily. Unfortunately, while in the past the toxic load was small, today our body’s systems are overwhelmed which can impact an individual’s health significantly. This often requires professional assistance, or at a minimum, a disciplined, well-researched effort by the individual. Now, there are tools that carefully and effectively help detoxify the body which can be found in the new book, Toxic to Terrific!”
Dr. Rob Streisfeld, NMD is a Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine and a Certified Natural Food Chef. “Dr. Rob" is a passionate consumer advocate and educator with nearly 20 years in the natural health and natural products industry. DocRob.com
Tejal Jamidar DMD
Toxic to Terrific is an excellent book for the general public and health professionals alike. I appreciated all of the well-sourced information and the thought-provoking journey that this book ignites. I learned so much starting from the introduction!”
Tejal Jamidar, DMD, member of the International Academy of Oral Medicine and Toxicology. OceansideDentalDaytona.com
"Good and up-to-date books on environmentally-related health illnesses are a rare find. Toxic to Terrific is one of these books! The information collected here will be a useful tool in my practice. A book that I will be recommending for my patients to read."
Dr. Aviad Elgez, ND, EnviroMed Clinic in Toronto, Canada. EnviroMedClinic.com
“Detoxification is one of the foundations of good health in this modern world. Working to reduce the number of toxins coming into your body and increase the number going out is on par with increasing nutrients and decreasing empty calories. Knowing smart ways to detoxify, like those in this book, can help you to boost energy, lose weight, avoid chronic illness, and change your health outcomes long-term.”
Dr. Amy Neuzil, ND, Coach, Author, Host “To Health With That!” Podcast, Dr. Neuzil is a leading expert in MTHFR and epigenetics. DrAmyNeuzil.com

You clean your car, why wouldn’t you clean up your body?

Science has proven that many of the diseases caused by toxic substances can shorten, and reduce the quality of life. But is it actually possible to remove toxic substances before they cause you damage?

Toxic to Terrific! will show you how! The techniques in this book are time-tested and research-backed. There are many detox methods that you can easily incorporate into your daily routine that will go a long way to supporting your body to detox.


How do you know that the Detox methods in the book actually work?
All of the detox methods in this book are backed by scientific studies, clinical trials, and the personal clinical experiences of Dr. Kennedy, using state-of-the-art testing procedures. You are certainly welcome to run before and after tests on yourself, (laboratories are listed in the book.)

Is the book complicated?
Toxic to Terrific is easy to read! It gives you small, simple, quick steps you can take that will have a HUGE impact on your health and the health of your family!

Is this book written by actual humans?
Yes! This book took us 4 years to write and no Artificial Intelligence (AI) was used the writing of this book.

What if I have questions?
1) For general questions, you are welcome to contact us via the website Contact form, anytime.
2) Or, you can post questions for free in our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/pg/healwithnature1
3) And, if you purchase the 9 additional resources in the “Detox Toolkit, you can send the doctor up to 3 emails for free.
4) And, exclusive to those who have purchased the “Detox Toolkit”, for a limited time, Dr. Kennedy is offering one-on-one 20-minute online consults for a discount.
5) Or if you just want to talk, both Dr. Kennedy and Dina are also available for consults on our website: HealwithNature.com/get-help

Mitch in Dubrovnik

Mitch Kennedy ND, LEED-AP

Dr. Mitch Kennedy is a Naturopathic Doctor (a Connecticut-licensed primary care provider) and is co-author of the upcoming book, Toxic to Terrific: The step-by-step detox guide to safely remove dangerous toxins from your body and life. He was the first Naturopathic Physician credentialed to practice medicine at the University of Connecticut Health Center, (UCHC,) the largest hospital in Connecticut. At UCHC he practiced in the Center for Women’s Health, the Reproductive Fertility Department, and the Cancer Treatment Center. He also served as a clinical instructor at the UCONN School of Medicine, the University of Bridgeport School of Naturopathic Medicine, and Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine.

Before becoming a doctor, Mitch received a bachelor’s degree from Tufts University, majoring in both Civil Engineering and Geology and ran his own environmental consulting firm.

As an environmental engineer, Mitch earned an international reputation as a leader in pollution prevention, showing industries around the world how reducing toxic chemical use saves money and the planet. His textbook on financial analysis of environmental projects, published by John Wily & Sons, proves doing the right thing for the earth is profitable for corporations.

Dr. Kennedy specializes in sustainability and resiliency planning. He is also a “green building” consultant, helping to build and remodel buildings to be non-toxic and energy-efficient.

He was among the first selected by Al Gore to teach about global warming. Dr. Kennedy volunteered for 2 years, presenting to over 10,000 people in groups including lawyers, medical boards, governments, and manufacturing groups.

Dina in Dubrovnik

Dina Pelletier, MPH, NCHES

Dina Pelletier, MPH, NCHES, is co-author of the upcoming book, Toxic to Terrific: The step-by-step detox guide to safely remove dangerous toxins from your body and life. Dina received her Master’s degree in International Environmental Public Health from Tulane University in New Orleans. While there, she administered a UNICEF child survival education project; wrote and won a Kellogg Foundation grant; published an international newsletter; and volunteered as an Aids Test Results Counselor and speaker with the NO/AIDS Task Force. She also became a Nationally Certified Health Education Specialist.

After graduating, Dina won a NATO Fellowship from the Committee on Challenges to Modern Society. She analyzed governmental policies for environmental planning and management in Kathmandu, Nepal, then presented her findings at an international NATO conference in Rome, Italy.

Back in Connecticut, while managing a Naturopathic medical practice, she became a Green Realtor, Organic Landcare Specialist, certified Permaculture Designer, and Nationally Certified Life Coach.

Dina received her Bachelor’s Degree in Community Health Education. She has conducted rural nutrition research in Kenya and designed and presented nutrition seminars in Guatemala. Her senior thesis research was on the successful Primary Health Care System in Jamaica approved by the Pan American Health Organization’s head of the Latin America Region.

In college, she worked 2nd and 3rd shifts as an Emergency Medical Technician – IV in Hartford. She was a Medical Assistant for 3 internal medicine doctors and managed a dermatology office.

Dear Press, Media, Bloggers, Vloggers, Podcasters and Influencers,
Thank you for the vital role you play in educating the public about how to stay healthy naturally. We are grateful for your support and will treat your inquiry with the respect you deserve! We have created a Media Kit, especially for you.

Questions? Please Contact Us


If you think you may have a medical emergency, please call your local emergency number immediately. (Dial 911 in the United States). The content of this website is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Do NOT delay or forego seeking treatment for a medical condition, or disregard professional medical advice based on the content of this website. Always seek the advice of your physician or another qualified healthcare professional regarding any medical or health questions you might have before acting on any content in this website, or before starting or changing treatment, especially if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition. The information on this website has not been evaluated by the US Food & Drug Administration or any other medical body. Information is shared for educational purposes only and is not meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease.